Teenage Acne Treatments in Houston, TX

Puberty brings a lot of changes –thanks to the production of hormones; and while most of which are good, some are somehow unpleasant, such as the acne breakout. Majority of the teenagers suffer from mild to severe pimples on the neck, face, chest, shoulders, back, upper arms, and shoulders. Aside from puberty, genes is also another factor; meaning, if your mom or dad (or both) had a pimple breakout, you may experience it, too. Luckily, there are more ways than one to treat acne. These procedures which are offered by skin professionals will not only heal your zits but also, will provide you the glowing, healthy-looking skin you need.
But before we jump into the treatments offered, let’s get to know acne more.
What Causes Acne?
Acne is characterized by a reddish, inflamed bump. Usually, it just looks inflamed and irritated while sometimes, it contains a pus. It happens when the skin’s oil glands produce excess oil and become enlarged and overactive. While the skin’s sebum is important in keeping the skin moisturized, too much of it will block the pores or hair follicles and as a result, an overgrowth of bacteria occurs. The acne-causing bacteria is called Propionibacterium acnes.
Types Of Acne
Acne is more than just a white-filled zit on your face, it can be something else. It has two basic types: non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Inflammatory acne is blemishes that do not swell. It’s also not as painful as its counterpart. Some of its common examples are whiteheads and blackheads.
If the pore is inflamed, clogged, and closed, then it’s whiteheads. It comes as a bump with a white center. Meanwhile, if the hair follicle is clogged but it stays open, then it’s a blackhead. As the name suggests, there’s a black-ish substance on top of it and the reason why it appears dark is because of oxidation; meaning, it’s been exposed in the air.
Since this type of acne is mild, it can be remedied using over-the-counter (OTC) cleansers, toners, moisturizers, gels, and creams. The ingredients often include active chemicals that can help break down stubborn blackheads and whiteheads, like sulfur, salicylic acid, resorcinol, and benzoyl peroxide.
Committing to a healthier lifestyle and doing these home remedies might help you solve these problems:
Reduce stress
Drink plenty of water
Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun
Wash the face regularly but avoiding over-washing
Eat and commit to a healthy diet
Wear sunscreen when going outside
Avoid touching the face and popping the zit
Inflammatory acne, on the other hand, is very inflamed and swollen. It is painful and warm when touched. It can even cause complication such as pitting or scarring. It includes pustules, papules, nodules, and cysts.
Papules are blemishes that have no visible centers; however, it is raised, pinkish to reddish in color, swollen, and solid. The pores, unlike with blackheads, are not widened. Pustules, on the other hand, are like the bigger version of whiteheads. It has a defined circular center that is filled with yellowish or whitish pus. It is a tender bump that is made up of bacterial cells and immune cells.
These two — papules and pustules — can be treated using otc medications and home remedies, like:
Use salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide to fight acne-causing bacteria and to exfoliate dead skin cells, dust, excess oil, and other debris.
Steam face or apply a warm cloth or compress to the face to remove debris trapped in the surface
Wash the face using a gentle cleanser and cool water.
Take Note: These types of acne are in mild forms and should be handled professionally to avoid further damage. For faster and effective results, it’s recommended to seek advice from the experts. You can call or book an appointment for a consultation. We are more than willing to answer your concerns and evaluate your skin type and condition to determine the best acne treatment for your skin, including microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser, etc.
Now let’s talk about the more severe form of acne, nodules, and cysts. Nodules are inflamed bumps that are painful. It’s almost the same as papules but only deeper and bigger. This is a result of damaged cells and tissues located under the surface of the skin. It is severe and may cause scarring and dark spots. Meanwhile, cysts are reddish or whitish in color. It is tender, big, and very painful. It is filled with pus and develops deeper in the skin. It’s the most severe type of acne and can cause complication like scarring.
While topical corticosteroids and antibiotics may help relieve these skin concerns, the best way to treat it is with the help of a professional. At Houston Acne Specialist, we help you find out the best remedy to your acne according to your skin type, concern, and even budget. Call us now or book an appointment so we can start your consultation.